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What are amla berries?
The Amla tree (Indian Gooseberry) belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae. He is more than 18 meters high and has a gray, smooth and spotted stem. His narrow pinnate leaves sitting at mostly hairless twigs close together.
The flowers hang down in bunches on the branch. In autumn, the globular yellow-green berries ripen. They have a smooth, hard shell with vertical grooves. The fruits are old tradition harvested by hand and dried in the shade.
Its fruits are very special: They taste sour, bitter, pungent and astringent at the same time and have a sweet aftertaste. To put the freshly picked berries some of their acid, it places them in spiced with turmeric salt water.
As a culinary specialty Amla Amla jam and pickles apply. In addition, the dried fruit exotic fruit salad and cooked vegetables add, thereby obtain the a spicy-sour taste.
Why apply Amla as Superfood?
Amla is known as Superfood because of its many valuable ingredients. They help to alleviate various diseases and act beyond preventively. Amla berries have a high content of anti-oxidative vitamin C, chromium and iron. Moreover, they consist of calcium, phosphorous, Beta-carotene, a lot of B-vitamins, glucose, fructose, pectin, fatty acids, polyphenols, and alkaloids. used medical except the ripe fruit and its seeds still leaves, bark and root bark. They are used both internally and externally.
Amla-Berry help:
Coughs and bronchitis
Eye diseases
skin diseases
a headache
Liver disease (hepatitis)
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
to high cholesterol
high blood pressure
Concentration and memory
Overweight and obesity
Infectious diseases and increased susceptibility
bad skin
Hair loss and thin hair splissigem
Woman suffering (irregular menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain)
The chromium contained in the amla berries regulates insulin secretion and lowers blood sugar levels. In this way, dangerous for diabetics Sugar Highs be prevented. In addition, chromium reduces the harmful LDL-cholesterol.
The high content of vitamin C improves the absorption of iron by the body and strengthens the immune system. It comes to the increased formation of white blood cells. In addition, it promotes the formation of collagen in the skin - which brings a firming effect with it. The anti-oxidant effect of vitamin C slows cell aging and protects vascular inner walls, heart, brain, lungs and skin from the attack of the cell-destroying free radicals.
Amla-Berry regulate stomach acid levels and so prevent the development of gastritis and gastric ulcers. The many fibers have a laxative effect. Moreover, you ensure a healthy intestinal flora.