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Cistus Incanus 250g
Cistus incanus Cistus
This Zistrosenart is also called gray hairy rockrose. Cistus incanus is a shrub belonging to the mallow family. The home of the rockrose is the Mediterranean region, where it is used in folk medicine. The Cistus incanus contains about three times more polyphenols than black or green tea. Cistus tea is natural support for your immune system.
Origin: Turkey.
This Zistrosenart is also called gray hairy rockrose. Cistus incanus is a shrub belonging to the mallow family. The home of the rockrose is the Mediterranean region, where it is used in folk medicine. The Cistus incanus contains about three times more polyphenols than black or green tea. Cistus tea is natural support for your immune system.
Origin: Turkey.

Note: Our Cistus Incanus herb tea is not to be considered as food according to the Food Act and also it's not a medicin within the meaning of the Medicines Act